Menambahkan syntak higlighter di blogger

Bagi para programmer syntak highliger(SH)  sangatlah penting, kenapa? yups karena dengan SH kode yang kita buat lebih mudah dibaca karena setiap fungsi meiliki warna yang berbeda-beda. Langsung saja kita mulai memasangkannya di blog kita.

Secure Image Upload with PHP

Security is an important thing for a php application. For this reason I tried to learn it. This case exist in the process of uploading a picture. To avoid undesirable I use the secure image are written by Mesut Timur. In addition I have also included an image filter .

web security, nudity filter

Download Script
Example Usage:

HTML code:
 <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html" />
 <meta name="author" content="Boomer" />

 <title>Secure Image Upload</title>


<form action="upload.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" >
    <input type="file" name="images" />
    <input type="submit" value="Upload" />


PHP code:
include 'inc/upload.php';
include 'inc/SecureImage.php' ;
include 'inc/NudityFilter.class.php';
class Image_Upload
    public $massage         = "";
    public $secure          = true;
    public $nudity_filter   = false;
    public $allowed_image   = "jpg|png|jpeg|gif";
    public $destination     = "";
    function upload( $parameter, $path )
        if( !class_exists( 'Secure_Upload')) {
            $this->massage = 'Upload Class not exists';
            return false;
        $upload = new Secure_Upload();
        $proses = $upload->upload( $parameter , $path );
        if( !$proses ) {
            $this->massage = $upload->massage;
            return false;
        if( $this->secure && class_exists( 'SecureImage' )) {
            $image  = new SecureImage($upload->file_destination);
            if( !$image->CheckIt()) {
                unlink( $upload->file_destination );
                $this->massage = "Bad image";
                return false;
        if( $this->nudity_filter && class_exists( 'NudityFilter' ) ) {
            $nfilter = new NudityFilter();
            if( $nfilter->check( $upload->file_destination ) ) {
                $this->massage = "nude detected";
                unlink( $upload->file_destination );
                return false;
        $this->destination  = $upload->destination;
        $this->massage      = "Upload Sukses";
        return true;

$image = new Image_Upload();
$image->nudity_filter = true;
echo $image->massage;

Simple PHP file cache

I try to share my experience on write php code, in this time i will share simple php librarary for caching content, this very simple. If you interesting you can get it from my dropbox.